Our Team


Office Manager

33 years in the industry, 10 years with OSSTL

  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? I’m not experimental with food.
  •  What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars? First, paying off any debt, investing for the future, then travelling.
  •  What makes your day better? Talking to my family makes my day better.
  • Why do you love your job? I enjoy the relationships that I’ve made with our patients and their families. Plus, I work for a great guy who treats us well! That makes coming to work enjoyable.


Treatment Coordinator

  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? The weirdest thing I have ever eaten was Octopus.
  •  What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars? I would start college funds for my grandchildren and travel.
  •  What makes your day better? A phone call from my kids makes my day better.
  • Why do you love your job? I love seeing how excited the children are when they find out they are getting braces!


Insurance Coordinator

38 years in the industry, 18 years with OSSTL

  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? Frog legs.
  • What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars? SO. MANY. THINGS. For every $100,000 I spend for me and my family, I would match that amount for a charitable cause, choosing different ones each time.
  • What makes your day better? Smiles and a positive attitude from myself and everyone around me makes my day go better….and coffee!!
  • Why do you love your job? I love my job because improving people’s teeth, bite and smile can change lives!


Orthodontic Assistant

20 years in the industry, 5 years with OSSTL

  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? I’m not experimental with food. The weirdest thing I have ever eaten was fresh eel in Japan.
  •  What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars? If I had a billion I would open a Dog/Cat rescue to save as many sweet angles as possible.
  •  What makes your day better? My day is always better anytime I get to see and get to spend time w/my nieces and nephews. My fur babies always put a smile on my face too!! They are all my WORLD!!!!
  • Why do you love your job? I love my job for many reasons, seeing the patients grow up and change right before our eyes, and I love how much positive confidence that a straight beautiful smile brings our patients. I have been doing this so long that I love seeing former patients bringing their children in for their treatment.




Orthodontic Assistant

27 years in the industry, 5 months with OSSTL

  • What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? The weirdest thing I have ever eaten has been Shark bites, I’m a picky eater so I don’t eat many weird foods.
  • What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars? If I had a billion dollars, I would travel, to a beach house on the beach and a cabin in the mountains, and more traveling.
  • What makes your day better? My day is better when I get to spend time with my four beautiful daughters.
  • Why do you love your job? I love my job because  I care about helping others and love seeing patients smiles transform!